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General Thoughts
This is a short and sweet little Chris Potter solo at about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. I chose to transcribe this recording for several reasons:
- I like the melody a lot and wanted to learn it
- As a saxophonist, this is a challenging yet accessible solo with some great language
- It just sounded like it would be a lot of fun to play!
This solo was recorded early in Chris’ career and while it is still clearly a ‘Chris Potter solo’ it is vastly different from the complexity in which you would find on his later works such as Lift, Follow the Red Line, or Underground. Chris also recorded “Boogie Stop Shuffle” almost 10 years later on his album Lift and I think it will be very interesting to compare the differences between the two.
I think this solo is a really great example of using themes, motives and variations to develop a well thought out solo…one that ‘tells a story’ as it were.